Persephone: Parent

A fine site

Poem: Summer

The leaves barely move as the gentle summer breeze whispers over them
Still and quiet, nonexistent
Commuters bustle on, buzzing around, droning on, staring into space
Barging past, knocking and jostling, pollen transfers and stems break
Fallen to the floor in a disregarded heap, waiting for the next whisper to move them on
Even as new flowers bud, new leaves sprout, every day simply passes by as the summer thunders do
A life giving sun beats down, burns down upon the withered
As bathers simply lie back, enjoying another’s Hell on Earth
Routine as clockwork, bullets whoosh past in reality, normality
A horrendous, inescapable normality.

Go on your day. Notice these things. Just once.

Notice me.

(C) Persephone M 12th July 2014


Reconnecting With Myself

For the past two weeks I’ve withdrawn myself from the outside world a little bit for a number of reasons and I’m wondering if it’s wrong.

Over the past 10 months (9.5 to be exact), I’ve felt under a lot of pressure to do right by everyone socially speaking and I now no longer know if I’m putting myself too high. Or Elvis too low.

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Do You?

Do you feel the same?
Do you feel as I do, as he did?
Will you be like him?
Will this be the making?
What could we do now?
What changes could we make?
Who will she become? Him, you, me?
Who does he look down upon?
Is he guarding, like an angel?
Is he regretful? Is that in our tea?
Where have these roads taken us?
Where will it take the next generation?
Can history be avoided?
Can it be more than ignored?
Why is simple not so?
Why do I care to cry?

(C) Persephone M February 2014

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